I was born in about the same spot as Dr. Seuss--just a couple of miles and a number of years apart. We went to the same zoo. Western Massachusetts is a good place to live one's youth. Then seaside California won me over handily, and has long since been home.
Back then I was mesmerized by peacocks, fixed on clouds resculpting as they crossed the sky, and taken with shiny bugs and sprinkler rainbows. I pursued color kid-style. I couldn't capture it, though it was fun to try. That pleasure has never ended. I capture color now, and the solitary process is very giving. I'm satisfied when I deliver something elegant and strong in silk. The point is enhancement, yours and mine.
The study of color in different media exposed me to complexities. But the concept is simple: concoct from a rich plate, or palette, and serve. Predictably or unpredictably, any application of color shows me the way to the next. When a piece hands me challenges (any struggle usually foretells a stronger piece in a body of work) I might have the chance to try a new approach, and have moved a step or two forward.
It's fun to share ideas---yours are most welcome.
email: anna.silks (at) gmail.com
Though a word seldom used, "painterly" describes my silks; the paints are encouraged to flow, merge, and swim.
In any number of ways, I begin with a first layer. This dries and is made fast. Then I brush further, placing layers on the unmoveable color. I might repeat the whole process once more, or several times more, depending on what's evolved. Just as with a fine art painting, I keep at it until I've got salient interest and satisfaction. The silk is again treated to be colorfast and pressed. Often a silk piece bears the look of a fine art painting.
(Mine will never have the look of a tight drawing or manufactured print).
Gardens have found their way onto silk lately, inspired by roses, irises, wysteria, dahlias, poppies, jasmine apple blossoms, many trees and blooms unnameable. They're a client favorite, and fun to create. I enjoy hearing suggestions, sharing ideas, and developing custom work.
The silk I source is the worthiest. There are many out there, and each silk type I use is the finest I can find. It's worth the extra to bring you a richer feeling silk, which is often more weighty, with a more luscious feel. Silk is luxury.
Color Victorious
When I introduced my silkwear, scarves were chosen as gifts for women losing their hair. I gave one to a friend for the same reason, and have been doing so ever since.
Now, donating one silk for every ten purchased is an ongoing practice. This tithing of ten percent helps a truly deserving community. The pleasure of rich color and silk to sight and touch is meant to soundly vanquish cancer blues.
I'm grateful you've taken the time to read, and to view my work. More silks lay in waiting to be included here, and the challenge is to keep up. Please just let me know if you'd like to see more.
.................... .Anna
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